Host a Festival Artist — Wintergreen Music

One of the great traditions of the Wintergreen Music Festival is how our entire community makes the event happen. Providing housing for the musicians and artists is perhaps the best example. You are invited to be a part of this great tradition during our 2025 season.

Are you interested in hosting a musician?

Some of our musicians will be here for the entire 2025 Festival, July 3-27, while others will be here for a week or a few days. 

Year after year, many of our host families generously provide housing for our Festival artists. This speaks to the positive experience that this opportunity has to offer and the lasting friendships that develop.

What does hosting a musician require?

A bed and some refrigerator space. That’s all! You can host for several days, a weekend, or the entire Festival – we will work to accommodate whatever works best for you. Hosting is easy and it provides a unique and positive experience for you and the Wintergreen Festival Artists! You’ll have the opportunity to get to know amazing musicians from all over the world. As a thank you for hosting, you will receive the following benefits:

  • 2 free tickets to a Festival concert*

  • An invitation to the exclusive Musicians’ Picnic

  • Recognition in the 2025 WMF Program Book

  • If requested, professional cleaning upon your musician’s departure

  • Tax benefits (consult your Financial Advisor)


Do I need to prepare meals for the musicians?

  • Most of the musicians will bring and prepare their own food. If you can provide some shelf space in your refrigerator that will be sufficient. Of course, you are welcome to prepare a meal or two for the musician if you would like. Musicians are grateful for any hospitality you may wish to extend, but it is certainly not expected.

Do I have to be in residence when the musician is at my home?

  • If you are not going to be at Wintergreen during the Festival, you can still provide housing for one of our musicians. Just let us know when your home is available and we can coordinate arrangements with you.

How will the musician get the key?

  • We will provide hosts and musicians with contact information in order for you to make arrangements to give musicians a key or code to your home. Musicians often come and go at times when you're not around to attend rehearsals or a performance.

Do I need to do laundry for the musician?

  • No. However, if a musician is staying with you for a longer period of time, it may be nice to offer the use of your washer/dryer. We simply recommend that you treat musicians as you would any guest in your home.

Becoming a Festival host is a wonderful opportunity to support Wintergreen Music and make connections with all of our musicians and other Festival enthusiasts. 

If you still have questions or aren't sure yet about your summer schedule, that's fine – we can work with you! For your convenience, please follow our quick links below:

Peggy Gearhart, Housing Coordinator

I AM INTERESTED! Please email Peggy Gearhart, Housing Coordinator, at and she'll be more than happy to discuss hosting further with you. You may also reach her by phone at 434.361.0541, or please go ahead and take a few minutes to complete this form now!

*May be redeemed for any regular weeknight or Sunday performance, pending availability.

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Testimonal from Rodney and Susanne Huey