Mission, Leadership & Staff — Wintergreen Music


Wintergreen Music inspires, educates, and welcomes audiences, students, and professional musicians alike through the transformative power of music.

OUR Vision

Wintergreen Music aspires always to:

  • Achieve excellence in musical performance and teaching;

  • Be nationally recognized as a top-tier summer classical music performing and teaching Festival;

  • Be a model of inclusive and inviting community building through music making;

  • Draw audiences regionally, nationally, and internationally;

  • Attract world-class professional musicians from symphony orchestras and chamber music groups across the country; and

  • Recruit passionate and high-quality students to benefit from the Festival and become long-term members and supporters of the WM community.

OUR commitment to Diversity, equity, inclusion, and Awareness

At Wintergreen Music, we believe that a healthy community can only exist through commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and awareness. Based on our Values, we dedicate ourselves to: 

Wintergreen Music logo
  • Creating a welcoming, safe & nurturing environment for every member of our community

  • Actively inviting and encouraging diverse participants and including historically excluded perspectives into programming

  • Acknowledging collective ownership of these values and holding ourselves accountable if expectations are not met.


OUR values

At our best, we are a community that is:

  • Welcoming and Open-minded

  • Collaborative and Accountable

  • Inspirational and Aspirational

Welcoming and Open-minded by:

  • Seeking ways to expand and champion inclusiveness and fresh perspectives;

  • Presenting programs in formats and venues that attract a diverse range of audiences; and

  • Engaging with stakeholders.

Collaborative and Accountable by:

  • Considering the organization first, always;

  • Establishing partnerships throughout the region;

  • Honoring lessons learned with a forward-looking spirit of perfecting our mission;

  • Displaying humility in our actions with others;

  • Taking responsibility and encouraging a communal sense of ownership; and

  • Safeguarding our future through judicious management of resources.

Inspirational and Aspirational by:

  • Creating a nurturing and supportive environment for our professional, community, and student artists and administrators alike to challenge themselves;

  • Developing programs that inspire audiences and performers alike to champion music at Wintergreen and their home communities; and

  • Striving for excellence and encouraging others to do so.


As stated in Our Core Values, at our best, we are a community that is Welcoming and Open-minded; Collaborative and Accountable; Inspirational and Aspirational. The professional leadership and staff that support the activities of Wintergreen Music live by these values each day.

For more information on contact and office hours, click here.